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Private Sessions

Functional Integration® sessions cost $90.00.

 Sessions can be scheduled in packages of four for $340.00 or eight for $640.00.

What is possible for you if you could be reminded of how gentle, light, and relaxing movement can be? Functional Integration® is a supportive, gentle, and hands on approach to sensory motor learning. Some students combine ATM®and FI options, enjoying the mix of self-directed learning and the hands on approach.
 Read more about Functional Integration at Mary's blog.

What should I expect?

"This is how my body has grown younger. Feldenkrais has changed my whole understanding of being in my fifties and my options for the future.  Sciatica is a memory, my left shoulder unknotted, my feet confident on uneven ground, and long drives are easy again. What I love about this work is that it is so respectful."

      ---Susan Perkins Weston

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