Welcome to Wise Move Studio
Movement for a more flexible body, mind, and entire self
Learn to move with more ease and comfort
Learn to be more present and mindful in your body, thoughts, actions, and words
Learn to be aware so that you may live into your potential and discard limiting beliefs
Increase intentionality & focus in daily life
Learn ways of coping with anxiety and/or pain
​Find new possibilities in coordination, posture, balance & stability
Deepen understanding of creativity
Build resilience & learn the art of living from the inside-out.

"My work with Mary came into my life at a time
when I was dealing 'with emotional loss as well as health issues. The self-care that started in the group sessions
and continued in the private one-on-one sessions helped me understand that my body is not my enemy
but instead an integral part of who I am. Mary's support has taught me to listen,
trust, and work with my body rather than use it as a tool.”
---Eva Cadavid
"I found the whole experience fascinating and positive.
I find myself much more aware of how I am using my body by looking for the easiest way to move,
using my spine, and joints effectively, and relaxing parts that I didn’t realize were so tense.
Thanks again for your passion and expertise to help others. You are a true teacher."
--- Cindy Blevins